Happy Monday, January 24, 2022, church!

Sisters and brothers,

Happy Monday to all! Yesterday as we worshipped, we remembered our great, eternal God who alone will reign forever. This great and only God calls us to be in relationship with Him. We learned from John 21 how Jesus also redeems us for Himself to be on mission with Him. God does not save us just so we can simply know, love, and enjoy Him. God saves us so through us other might also know, love, and enjoy God. We are called to be on mission with Jesus. As God has blessed us, we are to be a blessing to others. We are to be rivers, not reservoirs. We are to seek to be directed by Jesus so our lives will be fruitful. While we are on mission with Jesus, we enjoy a special sense of His presence. We also learned that we can be on mission with Jesus even though we all miserably fail Him from time to time. Those failures can teach us to depend on His Holy Spirit and not ourselves. Failures teaches us to be empowered and led by His Holy Spirit. And we are not to compare ourselves to others but seek to stay focused on the specific mission that God has called us to conduct. Jesus calls us to be on mission with Him by following Him wherever He leads us.

We have received from the Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane county 250 N95 masks. They will be at the building for anyone who would like to pick up some of these masks.

 Remember to keep praying continually for each other. 

Love being your pastor,

Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church