Happy Monday, June 21, 2021 church!

Sisters and brothers,

Happy Monday to all! Yesterday we worshipped and celebrated the Lord’s Supper together, helping us to always keep in mind the price paid for our salvation. We then considered from the Scripture the importance of family and especially being fathers. Children are to obey parents in the Lord and all of us, children and adults, are to honor our fathers and mothers throughout our lifetimes. Fathers and mothers are to show and teach their children how to be men and women of God. Families are important to God. Dad and mom, is family your second highest priority next to your relationship to God? Fathers and mothers, make a difference for eternity by making a difference in the lives of your children. Lead your family to walk with God. Families where fathers invite Jesus Christ to rule bring glory to God and fulfillment to parents and children alike.

If you are interested in caring for some of the plants and greenery on our church property, let me know. We probably need a small team that could share this responsibility.

Remember to keep praying continually for each other.

Love being your pastor,

Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church