Happy Monday, October 23, 2023, church!

Brothers and sisters,  

Happy Monday to all! Yesterday as we sang in worship together, we remembered we do not have to live in fear and unbelief because Jesus has completely paid the penalty for our sins. Jesus willingly received the punishment that we deserved. We no longer will have to suffer that punishment if we believe in Him. Then Mark 12 reinforced what the song “Why This Fear and Unbelief” taught us. We can trust fully in His rescue of us from the penalty of sin. However, we learned that the message meant to bring us to forgiveness and eternal life in Jesus will turn to a message of judgment and condemnation if we will not receive and believe in Jesus. The good news meant to rescue us will condemn us if we refuse to believe that Jesus saves. Do not be irrational and refuse the gift of forgiveness and eternal life found in Jesus.

We will be having a “Trunk or Treat” for our community this Saturday, October 28. We have collected a lot of candy, but we want to collect even more so we can abundantly bless the children who will come. You can bring more to the church building during the week or bring more with you as you come on Saturday! We need “all hands on deck” for this event so if you are able, please come to help us. Set up for the event is at 2:00 PM and the event is from 3:00 to 5:00 PM.

East Madison Thanksgiving celebration will be November 12 at 5:30 PM. There is a sign-up list for the foods we will need on the table in the foyer.

Remember to keep praying continually for each other. None of us know fully the burdens our brothers and sisters in Christ might be carrying.

Love being your pastor!

Bob Ray, Pastor, East Madison Baptist Church