Wisdom Literature

Envy and Escape

Psalm 73
While the book of Proverbs is the classic example of wisdom literature in the Bible, forms of the genre actually appear in other parts, as well. Here, we examine some of these themes in one of the psalms, where the psalmist recounts his struggle with the problem of evil, in the fact that the wicked often prosper in this life. In relating his struggle, the psalmist reveals the ugliness and peril at the heart of envying the wicked, and we are invited to share in his experiences, first of the humbling truth about ourselves, and ultimately of the astonishing grace of God.

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Hear, My Son, Your Father’s Instruction

Proverbs 1-7
Children are a gift from the Lord to enjoy. They’re also work. In order to fulfill God’s desires for parenting, we need wisdom. The first nine chapters of Proverbs are the instruction of a wise father to his son. In this sermon, we’ll listen in on that instruction in order to gain wisdom for our own parenting.

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I Love Those Who Love Me

Proverbs 8:1-9:19
The father appeals to his son to get wisdom. As he does so, wisdom is personified as a woman, Lady Wisdom. In this passage, the father presents Lady Wisdom to his son as a woman he should pursue and love. Last week, he commended wisdom to his son largely in terms of negative consequences. Here, however, he makes his strongest case for why his son should choose wisdom.

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Wisdom Cries Aloud in the Streets

Proverbs 1:20-33
Every day is full of choices that we must make. Some are simple and easy, while others may be difficult. The larger the decision is, the more the consequences will be. The text gives us a picture of Wisdom making an impassioned appeal to be heard. If we heed her warnings and follow her counsel, then the consequences will be good. If we ignore her counsel, then we will eat the fruit of our way.

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